This section includes all the information on the conditions of access and use of this website that should be known by the user.

General information on the website is provided for the purposes set out in Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (Law 34/2002 LSSI-CE).

– Identification and Ownership.

– E-mail:
– Avda. Josep Tarradellas, 38, 08029, Barcelona.
– Registered in the Mercantile Register of Barcelona, volume 47097, folio 144, page 541038, 2nd entry.
– CIF: B67510719

The ownership of the service, owner and manager of the website located on the website “” is also owned by the company LOVVIS ADVERTISING, SOCIEDAD LIMITADA or “LOVVIS”.

– Purpose.

The purpose of the website is to advertise the services developed by LOVVIS through an affiliate platform on the Internet provided by a third party (“hasoffers”), after signing a contract for the provision of services between LOVVIS and the customer and by adopting appropriate safeguards. The management and design is carried out by the customer itself, indicating the nature of the promotional services it seeks and the remuneration arrangements for affiliates.

The terms and conditions of the services and the platform are provided in the contract between the affiliate and LOVVIS. On the basis of the tools provided by the Platform, the Client creates an Affiliate programme and indicates the nature of the promotional services he/she is looking for, as well as the remuneration modalities proposed to the Affiliates.

– Conditions of Use.

The use of the Website grants you the status of User of this site and implies acceptance of all the conditions included in this Legal Notice. The user undertakes to read this Legal Notice carefully each time he/she intends to use the Website, given that the general conditions of use set out in this Legal Notice may be subject to successive updates.

The use of this website is free of charge, except for the cost of connection through the telecommunications network supplied by the provider contracted by the user.

The Website shall be governed by these Conditions of Use, which include all the services and contents made available to users. This legal notice establishes and regulates the rules of use of the Website “” (hereinafter the “LOVVIS”), meaning all pages and their contents that are owned by LOVVIS, which is accessed through the domain and its subdomains.

LOVVIS reserves the right to modify and update unilaterally, at any time and without prior notice to the user, on the design, content, services or structure of the website, and may suspend user access during the time that changes or updates are made to the Website.
LOVVIS reserves the right to delete or remove any comment or contribution that violates the rules of use of this website. Anonymous, promotional, insulting or insulting comments or comments that go against the good tone of the website are not allowed. In no case LOVVIS will be responsible for the personal opinions that users may give.
– Communications by email (Newsletter)
If the User wishes to receive periodically and by email the new news published on the actions developed by LOVVIS, you must first subscribe by accepting the sending of “Newsletter” within the Website. The sending of “Newsletter” is free and does not imply any obligation to pay.
Users who no longer wish to receive commercial communications or “Newsletter” and wish to revoke their consent, may do so at any time by sending an email to the following address:

– Obligations of the User.

The User agrees to make proper use and not to violate current legislation, acting with diligence, good faith and respecting public order, therefore it is explicitly forbidden to use the Website for misleading, unlawful or fraudulent purposes for LOVVIS or third parties, or in any other way damage or disable networks, servers and other computer equipment (hardware) or products and applications (software) owned by LOVVIS or third parties.

Also, the User shall refrain from using the contents of the Website for advertising, commercial communications or unsolicited messages addressed to an undetermined number of individuals.

The User must provide accurate, current, adequate, truthful information when communicating with LOVVIS, the User assumes full responsibility for any damages that may be caused by such information, being false, outdated or inaccurate, both LOVVIS and third parties.

In the event that the User knows that the linked Websites refer to pages whose content or services are illegal, fraudulent, harmful, degrading, violent or contrary to public order, please contact LOVVIS immediately, in order to bring it to the attention of the competent authorities.

– Intellectual and industrial property.

All intellectual property rights of the Website – trademarks, trade names, designs, logos, images, audio, video, software, text, programming, source code – are the exclusive property of LOVVIS, or third parties who have the required authorization for use. Access to or use of the Website does not give rise to any Intellectual Property rights to the User over its content.

Reproduction, distribution, marketing, public communication, extraction, reuse or transformation, in whole or in part, unauthorized content of the Website, which would be an infringement of intellectual property rights of LOVVIS, except in those cases previously expressly authorized by LOVVIS is expressly prohibited.

The unauthorized use of the information contained on this Website, as well as the damage caused to the intellectual property rights of LOVVIS, may give rise to the exercise of legal action and, consequently, to the responsibilities arising from such exercise.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, the User may view and obtain a temporary private copy of the content of the Website for access and temporary use on your computer system, provided it does not imply or involve the development of commercial, advertising or professional activities, as well as distribution, modification or alteration of content.

The User is informed that the Website “” is a domain registered by LOVVIS ADVERTISING, SOCIEDAD LIMITADA or “LOVVIS”. This domain may not be used, without prior authorisation from its owner, in coordination with other services that are not owned by “LOVVIS”.

“LOVVIS” is a trademark and its logo are owned by LOVVIS ADVERTISING, SOCIEDAD LIMITADA.

– Exclusion of liability.

LOVVIS does not guarantee continued access, or the correct viewing, downloading or use of the elements and information contained in the pages of this website, which may be prevented, hindered or interrupted by factors or circumstances beyond its control or beyond its control.

Access to the Website does not imply the obligation of LOVVIS to control or know at all times the absence of viruses or other harmful computer elements, corresponding to the User the availability of tools for the detection and elimination of harmful or fraudulent computer programs. LOVVIS is not responsible for any damage caused to the computer equipment of Users or third parties during the use of the Website.
LOVVIS is not responsible for the information and content stored, including but not limited to, forums, chats, blogs, comments, social networks or any other means of communication or dissemination that allow third parties to publish content independently of this website.
Access to the Website requires services provided by third parties, including the telecommunications network that does not depend in any case LOVVIS.

LOVVIS is not responsible for damages of any kind caused to the User’s computer equipment or generate failures and disconnections of the telecommunications network resulting in a suspension, cancellation or interruption of service of the Website during access or use of it.

The Website access service includes technical linking devices, directories and even instruments that allow the User to access other Internet portals. In any case, this should not presuppose the existence of agreements with those responsible or owners thereof, nor the recommendation, promotion or identification of LOVVIS with the content or linked services.

LOVVIS does not know the contents and services of the linked websites and is not responsible for any damages caused by the lack of updating or quality, illegality, unavailability, error or uselessness of the content or services of the linked sites.

– Privacy, personal data protection and cookie policy.

You can learn more about the treatment of your personal data in the Privacy Policy of this Website and the Cookies Policy.

– Applicable law and jurisdiction.

This Legal Notice and its Conditions of Use are subject to Spanish law and to the European regulations in force as it is based in Spain.
The User accepts that claims or complaints against LOVVIS arising from or related to the operation or use of this Website will be resolved by the courts and tribunals of the city of Barcelona (Spain).
Date of last update: 14 October 2022.