And yes… Less is more. This year’s main trend is interactive and dynamic content, but basic!

It is necessary to expose the essential in your newsletter, with GIFs or small videos, in order to differentiate yourself and capture more of the Internet user. It is not necessary to make tons of them and overload your mail, with several products or several messages -> An information by mail.

Thus the consumer holds the bulk of your newsletter in a few seconds, and soaks up the information thanks to the dynamic content.

Interactive content allows consumers to interact directly from their newsletter, without going through the website. This gives a playful side, and considerably reduces the steps of the purchasing process.

This interactivity can range from the presentation of a new product, with several features that the user can change from the email, a survey or a game to win a voucher.

In short, everything is good to retain the consumer’s attention and collect some more information, to know him more, in order to offer him more advanced emailing campaigns and adapted to his choices.

Make sure you have the right tools to make sure that the Internet user will receive the information…